2020: The year of the Brother

TLDR: New Music = Very Soon

Let’s Talk Business

Our entire team has been hard at work behind the scenes this winter. Spending much of our time planning out release strategies while sitting on an album’s worth of songs. We direct our team as to what we’d like to see regarding art direction & overall theme, but it’s definitely a group effort which includes many Google Calendar invites.


To be completely transparent, this part of the release process is frustrating; to sit on all these finished songs. The creatives in us want to quickly shoot the music out into the world. But in today’s oversaturated market, the songs we spent so much time on in the studio (if released prematurely) could end up floating straight into space… A years of writing and a year of recording / mixing / mastering could be waisted; our teams’ efforts easily overlooked.

Rushing the process could result in the music and/or message of the project being poorly executed. Whereas spending too much time “perfecting” each song could result in the music never being released. It’s in times like these that we must to remind ourselves that balance is important.

Let’s Talk Personal

2019 was crazy-crazy-crazy for the brothers. Many ups, downs, and flats (?) throughout the year that challenged us in ways that were, frankly, surprising. We had no lack of interesting life events to pull from when heading into the writing sessions for this project. The aforementioned soon to be released songs are filled with these stories and struggles.

Stories of hope, distance, failure, anger, grace, loneliness, friendship, and love. Woven into each song is it’s own timeless message, told by way of our adventures. The tracks sound amazingly vulnerable and unique; ranging from inspirational arena anthems, to intimate story-driven ballads. It would be an understatement to say that we are excited to share these songs with you.

Stay tuned for website overhauls, social media updates, merch, tour dates, and (obviously) new music!

- My Brothers And I

Reading List #1

A Very Merry Christmas